
JavaScript (ES6 and beyond) has evolved significantly from its early days, bringing a range of new features that make the language more powerful and easier to use. ES6 introduced features such as arrow functions, let and const for block-scoped variables, template literals, destructuring, and modules, making JavaScript more maintainable and concise. Modern JavaScript (ES6+) is now essential for building everything from interactive websites to full-scale web applications. Features like Promises and async/await have simplified asynchronous programming, while classes and modules have improved code organization.

Key Features:
  • Arrow Functions: Simplified syntax for writing functions.
  • Modules: Allows developers to import and export code between files, making it easier to manage complex projects.
  • Promises and async/await: Handle asynchronous operations more effectively, eliminating callback hell.
  • Template Literals: Provides a cleaner way to work with strings and embed expressions.
  • Destructuring: Extract values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables.
Use Cases:
  • Web and mobile application development
  • Asynchronous operations such as API calls
  • Client-side and server-side programming (Node.js)